For decades now, we've been bombarded with messages vilifying two essential elements of human health: dietary cholesterol and natural sunlight. Ironically, despite diligently following mainstream health advice, society is sicker today than ever before. Chronic illnesses, autoimmune disorders, hormonal imbalances, and mental health struggles are at unprecedented highs.
What if the medical advice we’ve been given is exactly what's making us sick?
Let’s dive deeper into the science to uncover how these myths about cholesterol and sunlight are damaging our health—and how reclaiming these natural elements can restore vitality.
1. Vitamin D and Cholesterol: Two Vital Hormone Precursors We’re Told to Avoid
Vitamin D and cholesterol aren’t just nutrients—they're fundamental building blocks for essential hormones. Cholesterol is the foundation of all steroid hormones, including testosterone, estrogen, cortisol, and progesterone. In fact, testosterone itself is 90% cholesterol by weight. Similarly, Vitamin D acts as a powerful hormonal regulator impacting everything from mood to immunity.
Shockingly, mainstream health advice specifically urges us to limit cholesterol intake and avoid sunlight—the very sources our bodies depend on for robust hormone production and overall vitality.
2. If Cholesterol Is Bad, Why Does Your Liver Keep Making It?
Your liver continuously produces cholesterol, even ramping up production when dietary cholesterol intake is low. Why would your body create something inherently harmful? The truth: cholesterol is vital for life. It supports:
- Hormone synthesis
- Cell membrane structure and integrity
- Vitamin absorption
- Brain function
Your liver isn’t making cholesterol by mistake—it’s keeping you alive and healthy.
3. Why Is Breastmilk Naturally Packed with Cholesterol?
Breast milk is loaded with cholesterol because it’s vital for infants' neurological development. Cholesterol builds the protective myelin sheath surrounding nerve fibers, enabling efficient nerve transmission crucial for brain development and cognitive function.
Nature clearly designed cholesterol as a cornerstone nutrient from the very beginning of life, yet mainstream health advice still casts doubt upon it.
3. Why Does Sun Exposure Naturally Boost Endorphins?
Ever wonder why you feel happier after basking in sunlight? Sunlight triggers your body to produce endorphins, natural chemicals that elevate mood and reduce stress. This innate reward system biologically incentivizes you to get outside and soak up sunshine, hinting that natural sun exposure is beneficial, not harmful.
5. Why Is the Absence of Vitamin D So Harmful?
Insufficient sunlight exposure drastically reduces your vitamin D levels, severely compromising immunity, bone health, mental health, and more. Vitamin D deficiency significantly elevates your risk for diseases such as:
- Cardiovascular disease
- Autoimmune conditions
- Diabetes
- Depression and anxiety
- Even cancer
Our modern lifestyle—predominantly indoors—is directly harming us by depriving us of this critical nutrient, leaving us chronically vulnerable and unwell.
6. Your Brain Is 60% Cholesterol—Here’s Why
Did you know your brain consists of nearly 60% cholesterol by weight? Cholesterol in the brain ensures neuron health, facilitates the transmission of nerve impulses, and maintains memory, focus, mood regulation, and cognitive sharpness.
Lowering cholesterol unnaturally through medication or dietary restrictions negatively impacts brain function, potentially increasing the risk of dementia, depression, and neurological disorders.
7. Blue Zones Thrive Under Abundant Sunlight
The so-called "Blue Zones"—regions known for extraordinary longevity and vitality—share one notable commonality: they’re situated in areas receiving abundant sunlight. From Okinawa, Japan, to Sardinia, Italy, these communities experience extensive daily sun exposure, naturally maintaining healthy vitamin D levels.
This correlation strongly indicates sunlight’s crucial role in promoting health, longevity, and vitality.
8. Nutrient-Dense Foods are Always High in Cholesterol
Consider the world’s most nutrient-dense foods—organ meats, eggs, seafood, grass-fed beef, and wild-caught fish. They’re all cholesterol-rich, nutrient-packed powerhouse foods. Why? Because cholesterol isn’t an enemy—it's a critical nutrient required for optimal cellular function, hormonal balance, immune support, and energy.
Avoiding cholesterol-rich foods means depriving your body of essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and hormonal building blocks.
9. Neuropsin: The UV Sensor Inside Your Eyes
Human eyes contain a specialized photoreceptor called Neuropsin, specifically designed to detect ultraviolet (UV) light. Why would we have evolved a precise biological mechanism to measure UV absorption if sunlight exposure was dangerous?
The presence of Neuropsin strongly suggests that humans evolved under sunlight and that controlled UV exposure is necessary and beneficial for regulating circadian rhythms, mood, metabolism, and hormone production.
10. The Medical Industry Profits When We're Sick
Understanding that the medical and pharmaceutical industries rely heavily on chronic illness to generate profit provides clarity about the widespread fear-mongering surrounding cholesterol and sunlight. Healthy individuals don't make good customers for lifelong pharmaceuticals.
When sunlight and cholesterol are demonized, people become dependent on medication, synthetic supplements, and medical interventions, generating enormous profits at the expense of genuine, preventive health.
Take Control of Your Health
It’s time to push back against misinformation. Instead of fearing cholesterol and sunlight, reclaim them as foundational pillars of human health. Healthy cholesterol levels and responsible sunlight exposure contribute directly to hormonal balance, mental clarity, immunity, vitality, and longevity. Reclaim your ancestral birthright to thrive naturally through sunlight and cholesterol-rich foods. Your body and mind will thank you.
- Holick, Michael F. “Sunlight and Vitamin D for Bone Health and Prevention of Autoimmune Diseases, Cancers, and Cardiovascular Disease.” The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vol. 80, no. 6, 2004, pp. 1678S–1688S.
- Schwarz, Thomas. "The Dark and Sunny Sides of UV Radiation: A Balance between Protection and Harm." Nature Reviews Endocrinology, vol. 19, no. 4, 2023, pp. 203–214.
- Lindqvist, Pelle G., et al. “Avoidance of Sun Exposure Is a Risk Factor for All-Cause Mortality: Results from the MISS Cohort.” Journal of Internal Medicine, vol. 276, no. 1, 2014, pp. 77–86.
- Pfrieger, Frank W., and Ingemar Björkhem. "The Importance of Cholesterol in Brain Development and Function." Handbook of Clinical Neurology, vol. 246, 2023, pp. 327–349.
- Buhr, Ethan D., et al. “Neuropsin (OPN5)-Mediated Photoentrainment of Circadian Rhythms.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 116, no. 27, 2019, pp. 13165–13172.
- Koletzko, Berthold, et al. “Early Nutrition and Its Importance for Later Cognitive Function: The Role of Breast Milk Lipids.” Nutrition Reviews, vol. 78, no. 10, 2020, pp. 817–827.
- Astrup, Arne, et al. “Dietary Saturated Fats and Health: Are the U.S. Guidelines Evidence-Based?” Nutrients, vol. 13, no. 10, 2021, p. 3305.